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Frequently Asked Questions

What is your cancellation & refund policy?We do not offer refunds for monthly plans. You may cancel your monthly membership anytime. You will be able to use our wellness chatbot for the remainder of the days in the monthly billing cycle. Cancellations will be effective on the last day of your monthly billing cycle. You may cancel your yearly membership anytime. You will be able to use our wellness chatbot for the remainder of the days in the month of cancellations. You will be refunded the fee for the number of unused months in your yearly subscription, minus payment (refund) processing fee.
Does SattvaLife Chatbot have mobile Apps?Yes, you may download our Android mobile app (SattvaLife Chatbot) in the Google Play store. Our iOS app is scheduled to be released in October 2024. Please remember to search for our app using the name 'SattvaLife Chatbot' in the app store. There might be other businesses with the name Sattva. Searching for the full name 'SattvaLife Chatbot' is better. Please purchase our chatbot subscription plan on our website first, and then use it in the mobile apps. Note for users of iOS device users - Please note that our in-app subscriptions will cost at least 15% more in the iOS app store, as a result of Apple charging us a sales commission in the same amount.
Is my data safe?Absolutely! Communications with our chatbot take place in a secure environment. We do not store your conversations. They are wiped out the moment you start a new session with our chatbot. A new session begins in these situations: 1. When you logout and login 2. After 1 hour of inactivity 3. If the conversation has gone over 25 questions and answers Only your user profile is saved in our system.
Are my conversations confidential?Absolutely! Your conversations with our chatbot are not shared with anyone. We also do not store your conversations. They are wiped out the moment you start a new session with our chatbot. A new session begins in these situations 1. When you logout and login 2. After 1 hour of inactivity 3. If the conversation has gone over 25 questions and answers
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