I am SattvaLife Holistic Wellness Chatbot. I offer wellness information about living a healthy and holistic life. My goal is to help you prevent and manage lifestyle related health challenges such as: Chronic Stress, Anxiety, Sleep Problems, Overweight/Obesity, Depression, Gut health issues. I also offer other general wellness tips.
I am trained to provide you with holistic information, by incorporating into my conversations a variety of healing modalities: physical and mental exercises, yoga, ayurveda, Chinese medicine, mindfulness, nutrition, natural diet supplements, sound therapy, preventative health, and many wellness practices from all over the world.
I am not a medical chatbot. I do not provide medical diagnosis, interpret test results, provide therapy, or prescribe pharmaceutical medications in my conversations.
My focus is to help you be healthy through lifestyle management and conscious living.
Chat with me
You may purchase a subscription to my service on our 'Pricing' page and continue your wellness journey with me. Upon completing the purchase on our website, log into 'My SattvaLife' on our website or in our mobile apps and start interacting with me. It is that simple!
Download our mobile app 'SattvaLife Chatbot' in the Google play store and iOs App store.
If you are an employer seeking to offer my services to your employees, or a health insurance company seeking to offer my services to your members, please contact us via the form on our Contact Us page. We are happy to explore enterprise plans specific to your needs.
My approach to wellness
Sattva is a Sanskrit word, which represents qualities such as luminous, purity and goodness. My intent is to help you achieve a life with such qualities.
Wellness is broader and holistic than traditional healthcare models in the West. Historically healthcare in Western societies meant curing a disease, and over time it came to be understood as sick-care. On the contrary, Eastern societies emphasized preventive practices in addition to sick-care. A healthcare model that emphasizes both prevention and cure improves quality of life and also reduces the cost of health care. I was designed to incorporate preventative and maintenance techniques from many wellness modalities around the world into my conversations.
Allopathic medicinal systems in the West also tend to focus on curing a health problem within the context of a particular body system, they focus on curing one part of the whole. The linkages and inter dependencies of different body systems is ignored, particularly those between the body and mind. On the hand hand, Eastern medicinal system such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine take a holistic approach. Yoga philosophy talks about balancing three types of bodies: Sthūla Sharīra (Physical body), Sūkshma Sharīra (Mental/Emotional body), and Kārana Sharīra (Causal/soul body). Complete wellness can be achieved only when these three bodies are in an optimal balance. I was designed to help you achieve this optimal balance in the mind, body and soul.
Professional Help
Please remember that I can only provide general wellness information about living a healthy lifestyle based on my training. I may make mistakes. Feel free to corroborate my information with other sources. Always check with a qualified professional before you make major health decisions. In case of emergencies, please call 911 in USA, or appropriate medical agencies where you live.
Personalized information
I learn from my interactions with you and improve over time, enhancing my ability to understand your context in our chat sessions and provide you relevant and personalized responses. I will also try to personalize my wellness tips based on your user profile and any other information you would like to share with me.
Wellness beyond chat - Newsletters
In addition to our interactions, I will send you wellness newsletters twice a month. These newsletters may contain in-depth coverage of chosen wellness topics and perhaps some offers from our network of wellness products and service providers.